RigeneraMI: give old PCs a new life to give them to those who need them most
Together for a better future. More sustainable and inclusive.
Our history
Turning ideas into reality
We think that they all represent added value. Since our beginnings in 2021, we have believed and believe we can make a difference. As a volunteer organisation, we are inspired by the concepts of support, progress and awareness.
Today's challenges require brilliant minds who know how to look at the world from a different perspective and who do not shy away from risks. RigeneraMI was born from the desire to inspire and support the community, but above all from the need to act, instead of talking.
Recycling of electronic devices
230+ devices donated
126.000+ kg of CO2 saved. Equivalent to planting 5.700+ trees.
Sponsored by the Municipality of Milan
Support of Rotary and Rotaract
Over 100 volunteers and
17 recipient associations
From idea to reality: the evolution of RigeneraMI
The Rotaract Club Milano Sforza launched the RigeneraMI service in 2021, a charitable activity for the regeneration of PCs and tablets. The objective of the service is to reduce the environmental impact of technological waste and provide support to non-profit organizations and people in difficulty.
Interview with the creator of RigeneraMI: Cocca Gianluca
"I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to all the volunteers who contributed to the RigeneraMI Project. Your support, in all its forms, was the pillar on which we managed to build the success of this initiative. In my small way, my commitment was a modest attempt to give back to society a part of what life, in its generosity, has granted me. Something that unfortunately many have been denied since birth."
Non-profit organization
We are a non-profit organization whose sole goal is to make the world a more sustainable place and foster social inclusion.
This is possible thanks to the help of volunteers and the Rotary and Rotaract network.
Donations and contacts
We don't need monetary donations, but volunteers to help us regenerate PCs and computers to receive as donations. If you have an old device that you no longer use/know someone who could make a donation or if you simply want more information, write to us at info@rigenerami.org!